Time has come for me to recommence, is that a word?, with this blog. The main purpose is to have a record of so many of the experiences we have had and are having. Life has gotten in the way lately, broken feet, broken computers, new MACS that I can't maneuver around in quickly, and, of course, kids.
We had our first snowfall of the winter on the day we returned from a cruise from the Western Caribbean. Williams enjoyed the experience up until about half a second after this picture was snapped. What's Adam doing behind Williams? Well, putting snow down the back of Williams shirt, of course. That's just what any self-respecting big brother would do, right? And Williams, just like any typical little brother, recently arrived from Ghana, near the equator, never having seen snow, reacted with the proper behavior of screaming and crying.
The kids continue to adjust to their new relationships and roles in the family. Williams is adjusting at what seems to me a rapid pace. His English is excellent and it's a rare occasion that he doesn't understand something that's been said. Sadly, his adorable accent seems to already have faded some, and he gains new American slang and jargon daily. He has grown 1 1/4 inches in three months and gained 5 pounds! He's eating more and more foods and becoming more willing to try new things.
Thanksgiving was spent on the cruise ship so we kind of missed the traditional ringing in of the holiday season. Holly and I had fish for thanksgiving dinner, Adam had chicken, and Scott, Hannah, and Williams had turkey. We decided that one of Williams interesting trivial facts about himself when he's an adult can be that he had his first Thanksgiving turkey dinner in Mexico and he was not even an American citizen.
By the way, "recommence" is a word. I just did spellcheck.
Sounds like things are going really well!
The p[art about the snow down the back made me LOL! Boys will be boys!
Hope your foot is feeling better!
AMY!!!! It's so good to hear from you guys!!! over there..
Can't believe anyone's still out there after it's been so long since I've posted! HI!
You have been missed! I was just about to email you and check in.. Tell Williams we say "hello". I am glad to hear you are all doing well. Selina is also growing like a weed. She is over three inches taller and seven pounds heavier in five and a half months!!
Glad to hear from you! Great update and love the picture of poor Williams about to get smeared with snow!
Welcome back to the blogging world! I just love reading about the updates on you guys. Glad to see Williams and the snow. We don't much here in AZ. :)
good to hear u are all doing so well and the kids seem to have really bonded!! im from ghana and i just wanted to suggest u buy some body/face lotion eg. E45 or cocoa butter etc as african skin can get v dry, esp when overseas. hope u find this useful.
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