Saturday, October 4, 2008

Overdue Update

Oh, the days of wanting his picture taken and yelling "Snap me! Snap me!" seem to be lost already. I was lucky here to get a picture without hands covering the face. I sneaked up on him and got him.

Days have been oh so busy with little time to ponder the days activities or milestones. I'm going to take the time now as I wait for two different daughters to return from two different softball tournaments in Kansas City and as two tired little boys are already in bed.

Yesterday Williams received his vaccinations. I put it off as long as I could after the horrific scene when he got his blood drawn. He had to get four shots and kept up his reputation of not holding back his displeasure for anything involving needles. I know this is no new thing. He's certainly not the only kid to share this emotion at shot time, but he is very vocal in his displeasure. He walked out of the doctor's office with an armful of treats, stuffed animals, and stickers, so I guess it proves that the squeaky wheel gets the grease, or in this case, the screaming boy gets the goodies.

My mother-in-law left last week after spending a week and a half here from Ohio to help while I had my foot banged up and was on crutches. I'm pretty sure we done wore her out. I tried to give her bonus trips to Panera to give her incentive to keep going. I think it worked. She got her fill of baseball and softball games. She was still smiling when she left. God bless Grandmas.

Here's one of the attempts to block out the camera.

I guess he felt well hidden behind the hat and shades so he blessed us with a shot. Oops, that's a bad word around here right now!

Things have really been going well. Williams loves school, although he will tell you he doesn't. I loves playing soccer, although he will tell you he doesn't. He loves Sunday school, although he will tell you he doesn't. Are you detecting a pattern here? He's going through a phase of saying no to everything. The good news is that he doesn't act negative like all his responses. He's very outgoing, happy (usually), and cooperative. We still have consistent limit testing, but I always win. Go Mom! I'm getting some kisses on the lips which is a new and welcome thing.
All in all we have nothing to complain about, well the adults anyway. Four kids with no complaints would be just wrong, not to mention creepy.


Chalene said...

Hi Williams!
Do you like America? Do you love your mom? Do you love your brother and sisters? Do you love your dad? Do you like to swim? Do you have a dog? Do you like your bed? Do you like your snow? Do you like to go to church? Do you love school?

I have some sisters and brothers. And I loves my mom and dad. I loves my dogs and cats. I loves my school. I loves my teacher. I loves my students. I love to swim and my snow (we really don't have snow until we go to the mountains - mommy's words).
Bye - see you later Williams!
Racheal Baxter

My name is Rita!
I like toys and I like Christmas. And I like Halloween Town. I loves Williams and I like to swim with you. I love Annie's movie. And I love Sandy and Cookie (our dogs). I like to sleep. I like to go out and ride my bike. I lover Twinkle Bell. I love Star. I love angels and God. I like to say good-bye!

The girls and I were looking at your blog and enjoying the things about Williams. I am so happy you got a kiss from Williams. He looks so big now. I just adore Sweet Williams!

Have a good Sunday!

Robin Dodd Photography said...

Amy!! The shots!!! We had them yesterday and it was AWFUL. We'd already had the tb test and blood drawn and had to have shots and blood drawn again... 3 each. If Grace could have gotten out of the doctors office on all fours she would've. She should've gone first as Mariama is much more dramatic when it comes to these things.